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We gather together every Sunday morning at Oasis Academy John Williams at 10:30am to worship Jesus and hear from Him through the scriptures. We believe that when we worship Jesus and declare Him as king of our lives something of His kingdom breaks in bringing with it the goodness and peace of His reign. We also believe that His word brings life and so we love to spend time reading and hanging out in His word (the bible) together.


We are all one church, from the youngest to the eldest, and so we always start our gatherings by worshipping Jesus together. Then after our time of worship our young people and children head out to their own groups to explore the bible together and see how it speaks into their own lives through games, activities and age appropriate discussions.

New to church

Throughout the year we run a new comers gathering after our morning service. This is a chance for anyone who has recently joined us to meet with Matt and some of the leadership team over tea and cake to hear about Counterslip, about our story and our vision, and to ask any questions you may like to ask about the church. For details of the next new comers event see the calendar at the bottom of this page, or click the link below. Our next event will be Sunday 18th May 2025.

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Everywhere he went Jesus took the 12 disciples with him. We see in scripture that small, authentic community, where you can share life, pray together, and read and talk about the scriptures is essential for us to grow as followers of Jesus. Most our groups meet weekly on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings.


For young people in secondary school, aged 11-17. Youth Group meets every week (term time) at 7pm, in the youth lounge at Church. A space to hang out, have some fun, and discuss life, Jesus, the bible and more. For more details please email Emily Redshaw:


Once a month, usually on the first Wednesday at 7:30pm, we gather at Margaret Cribbs house to pray for our mission partners, and for ourselves as a church as we seek to live out the mission of God to share the good news of Jesus. For more details please contact the church office.


Every other month there is a chance for the men in our church to get together, to chat, to share life, to get to know others more and to encourage each other all around a curry.

If you would like to come along to the next curry evening either see the next date in the calendar below, click the link and sign up, or contact the office (01275 833377).

Women's Group

We have a women's WhatsApp community that put on events for women in the church throughout the year. They have done events like: meals out, a drum workshop, craft evenings, Christmas wreath making, and a women's breakfast.
If you would like to find out more, or join the group please contact the office (01275 833377) or speak to Laura Holman in church.

Events Coming Up

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Counterslip baptist Church
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The Church office & Foodbank

01275 833377

​Counterslip Baptist Church, Wells Road,

Bristol, BS14 9HT, England

Sunday mornings

Join us, our service starts at 10:30am


Oasis Academy John Williams

Petherton Road, Bristol, BS14 9BU

Counterslip Baptist Church is a registered charity. Charity number: 1201374

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