Become like Jesus:
Live it out
Living out the life of Jesus
As we follow Jesus we want to live like He did. Here on this page you'll find some of the ways that you can live out the life of Jesus both in our church context and in your wider life.

Serve in church
Church is a family and we all have a role to play. God has give each of us gifts and abilities that we can use to help our family spend time together with Him and each other.
Here are some of the teams that you could serve on:
Children's Church, Youth Church, Youth Home Group, The Care Team, Welcome Team, Worship Team, Sound & Projection Teams, Refreshments Team, Prayer Ministry Team.
If you would like to get involved in making our church a welcoming place, a place where people can meet with Jesus, and serve our church family then please let Matt know.
As a church we are not funded by any external or higher organisation, all that we do depends on the giving of our church family. For us that is part of our worship, it’s one way in which we say yes to Jesus being King over all the areas of our lives. We don’t ask anyone for money, so please do not feel pressured to give, but if you start to make your home here and you want to help us as we seek to do our part in building the kingdom of God here in South Bristol, as part of your offering to God, then you can give financially to Counterslip either by placing your offering in the black box on the welcome desk or by bank transfer to Counterslip Baptist Church, Sort Code: 30-99-50, Account Number: 49437468
Everything we seek to do is only possible as the scripture says '"not by might or by power but by my Spirit" says the Lord'. And so one of the most important things that you can be doing is praying for the church and for God to guide and lead us. But we're not alone in this mission to see the Kingdom of God come on the earth, and we partner with others around the world seeking that same goal. So we also want to be praying for them. On the first Wednesday of everyone month at 7:30pm we have a prayer gathering to pray for our mission partners. For more information contact Margaret Cribb: margaret@counterslip.org
Safe Families
Can you help show the love of Jesus?
The gifts God has given us are not just for inside the church, but for the church to use to bless the world and see others experience the love of Jesus as well. And so we're partnering with Safe Families who connect us with people in our city who are in need of support, love and care in all kinds of different ways.
Safe families are looking for people to be either:
Family Friends: people who will get along side families and spend time with them, chatting and supporting
Host Families: people who will open their homes for a night or two, up to a couple of weeks, to give space to families dealing with issues or challenges
Resource Friends: people who are able to provide, or transport, useful items, or use their skills such as cooking, DIY or gardening to support families.
If you would like to use the gifts God has given you to help others in our city please click the link below to find out more.